

Kupkolo MTB Trilogy 2 The Best of Sudety

2017-07-07 Teplice nad Metují 



KIDS 8-10 total: 6, men : 3, women: 3, kluci: 3, holky: 3 [html] [pdf] [xls]
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Kupkolo M T B Trilogy 2 The Best of Sudety pdf N/A 2017-07-07 20:53:32
Kupkolo M T B Trilogy 2 The Best of Sudety po kategoriích pdf N/A 2017-07-07 20:53:32

result list KIDS 8-10

start ~ 18:03:00

rank rank/cat. # name year state team finish delay PrologStage 1
1 1 / holky [ 725 ] Anna Kráčmarová 2009 CZE Apache Loko Trutnov 05:14.3 02:37.9
2 2 / holky [ 726 ] Danica Polmanová 2007 CZE lidé a HORY 05:34.0 00:19.6 02:44.4
3 3 / holky [ 724 ] Fien De Meeter 2008 BEL Keppestraat 08:03.5 02:49.2 04:07.7