

Kupkolo MTB Trilogy 2 The Best of Sudety

2017-07-07 Teplice nad Metují 



Junior total: 7, men : 6, women: 1, Junior: 6, Juniorky: 1 [html] [pdf] [xls]
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Kupkolo M T B Trilogy 2 The Best of Sudety pdf N/A 2017-07-07 20:53:32
Kupkolo M T B Trilogy 2 The Best of Sudety po kategoriích pdf N/A 2017-07-07 20:53:32

result list Junior

start ~ 09:00:00

rank rank/cat. # name year state team finish delay PrologStage 1Stage 2Stage 3lap#5lap#6lap#7lap#8lap#9lap#10lap#11lap#12
1 1 / Juniorky [ 401 ] Natálie Hanušová 2000 CZE GIANT Pitrs bikes 04:43:16.8 03:25:42.9