


Krakonošova 100, dálkový pochod

2025-06-13 - 2025-06-14 Vrchlabí, Krkonoše




start list


Registration for this action allows online payment including payment by the card.

Registration to the Event, step 1 of 4

1 Fill the Form
2 Checking the Data
3 Summary, Add More Participants, Payment.
4 Ready

Registration Form

personal data
Size is only informative. Entered size is information for organizers and does not bind to anything.
start package (race)
1 470,- Kč, online, remaining registrations available: 134, Dálkoplazi/začátečníci - Chceš prostě zdolat 100 km? Přihlaš se sem. Za odvahu získáš 30 minut náskok!
1 470,- Kč, online, remaining registrations available: 191, Vlci/pokročilí - Máš rád výzvy a 100 km není žádná dálka? Pak se přihlaš sem. Máš míň času, takže si pořádně mákneš!
970,- Kč, online, remaining registrations available: 175
100,- Kč, online
250,- Kč, online


  • By entering the race I declare to keep the principles of the FAIR PLAY, behave honorably, respectful to my opponents and nature..
  • Organizer and persons associated with the organization of the race are not responsible for personal injury, material loss or property that may occur before, during or after the race. Riders participate at their own risk.
  • Photos, film footage and interviews with me and the results can be used in print, radio, television, and for marketing purposes of the organizer. I know all the conditions of competition and I filled out the application truthfully and completely.
  • I agree to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of the organizer. I also agree my name, gender, age, city or team to be published on the result list of the event.
  • On the day of the event, I undertake to participate only if I do not feel the symptoms of an infectious disease and I also undertake to comply with all currently valid hygiene regulations. .