

Mercedes Benz Bike Cup Lipno

2016-06-18 Horní Planá [CZE]


Nova jízda 33km total: 5, men : 5, M60: 5 [html] [pdf] [xls]
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startlist Mercedes Benz Bike Cup Lipno pdf N/A 2021-06-17 16:16:25
Propozice Mercedes- Benz Bike Cup Lipno pdf 826946B 21.05.2020 15:03:16

start list Nova jízda 33km

start ~ 12:00:34 , 2006 and older , registered: 5 participants ( 5 of men, of women)

  category   #   name   state   year   team (city)   bodySerialu   city, town
M60*1*Barták VladimírCZE1946Šrouby a matice Bártová Prachatice1067Turzice
M60*1*Chlumský JiříCZE1952Praha1022Praha
M60*1*Karvánek JiříCZE1954X Terra Team1050Hluboká
M60Klimeš VlastimilCZE1953Velešín0Velešín
M60*1*Klimeš VlastislavCZE1953Velešín1036Velešín